Solution | Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture & The Resurgence of Indigenous Farming:
Local food grown using regenerative agriculture methods is at the heart of Food Security Hawaii’s work. We recognize that Hawaii’s farming future, and our local climate and rainfall patterns hinge on what happens in the State’s agricultural lands. We will use biology to build organic soil matter to create thriving ecosystems and increase biological activity to kill off plants, insects, and harmful pathogens instead of using poisonous chemicals to kill weeds, insects, and disease.
Regenerative agriculture* is a system of farming principles and practices that:
Increases biodiversity
Enriches soil
Improves watersheds and protects reefs
Provides for pollinators
Enhances ecosystem services
Increases yields
Is resilient to climate instability
Results in higher health and vitality for farming communities
Regenerative Agriculture is at the heart of the whole equation. We have to systematically strive for resiliency and abundance in how we design and manage our farms and orchards, at every scale. Our mission is to capture carbon in the soil and aboveground biomass regenerative agriculture aims to play a significant role in reversing climate change. And the results are conclusive - regenerative agriculture is more profitable than conventional agriculture.
“Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?”